Gender Pay Reporting

As an employer of 250+ employees, ICS Umbrella are required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

The purpose of the gender pay gap report is to understand and make public the difference between the average earnings of men and women. The results of the ICS Umbrella Gender Pay Reporting are as follows:

Mean Gender Pay Gap: 26%
Median Gender Pay Gap: 47%
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 32%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 9.34%
The proportion of males receiving a bonus: 92%
The proportion of females receiving a bonus: 96%

Quartile Male Female
Lower Quartile 71.80% 29.20%
Lower Middle Quartile 72.32% 27.68%
Upper Middle Quartile 74.19% 25.18%
Upper Quartile 79.08% 20.92%

Supporting Statement

ICS Umbrella is a compliant professional employment umbrella company. As an employer to UK contractors and agency workers ICS must include our employees to support Gender Pay Reporting requirements.

An umbrella company when operating correctly employs its workers through multiple assignments with recruitment agencies. The employment and tax arrangements of an umbrella company see workers paid national minimum or living wage salary and additional taxable pay to equate to an assignment rate set by the recruitment agency. As a result, the figures we have provided above may not support the government’s aim with this legislation.

An umbrella company does not negotiate, nor is it otherwise involved in the determination of the worker’s rate of pay. All contractors and agency workers have negotiated the rate of pay with a recruitment agency directly before sourcing employment with an umbrella solution. As such pay rates vary widely by sector, skill set and experience.

In 3 of the 4 quartiles we have a 2:1 ratio to male workers, this is due to the sectors our employees work in, these include rail, construction and IT.

This statement confirms that the published information is accurate as at the time of publishing.

ICS Umbrella Ltd

Last Review Date: 2023/24 tax year