The New Business Team are experienced in talking to contractors that want to join ICS. They understand them and take the time to talk them through their options, provide personalised pay examples, answer any queries and be there when they are ready to sign up.
In March, Zoe Irvine joined ICS as New Business Manager and as well as making a number of improvements she has also taken on an additional person, which has doubled the team. The team of four includes Lisa Smith and Judith Solomon, who have both been with ICS for over 3 years, and Jessica Piela who joined in June.
The team also work closely with consultants within agencies, nurturing the relationship, ensuring they are kept updated on their referral’s progress with ICS and being available if they have any queries about contractors and how they get paid.
The team is expected to grow again over the next 12 months as we continue to build our relationships with agencies and respond to the increasing number of referring contractors.
Specialist contractor accountants. Think ICS.
ICS are specialist contractor accountants providing accountancy services and an umbrella solution to contractors, freelancers and temporary workers throughout the UK. To find out more about ICS, please call us today on 0800 195 3750.